Positioned for Power

Positioned for Power

Prayer from teaching by Al Houghton, 10/19/20

Romans 1:18 – “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.”

“Father, in the name of Jesus I come to you right now. I invoke the “covenant of sure mercy” over my nation, over my family, over my kids, over my grandkids. And in the name of Jesus it is written, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth!

Suppressors of the truth, you hear the word of the Lord of, you repent or you be removed, in Jesus name! God, put Your hand on them and either turn them or remove them — cut them off in Jesus name!  Covenantly cut them off! Bring my kids into truth, remove the suppressors of truth from their lives so they can hear You, they can hear Your word, they can hear truth! And even when people go to vote, let them vote based on truth, not on the suppressors of truth, in Jesus name! I declare it! I decree it! I’m calling it forth! Let it be done in the church! Let it be done in the world! Let it be done in news organizations! Let it be done on the web!  Let it be done in government!

We declare truth will prevail in Jesus name! Righteousness and truth will prevail in this election! Righteousness and truth will come to our kids! It will come to our grandkids! It will prevail in Jesus name! I bind the lies, the spirits of lies and of deception, in Jesus name! All the deceivers, close their mouth, rip off their facemask and deliver people from deception in the name of Jesus!

Father, You told us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, turn from their wicked ways . . . .” Lord, we repent for our nation! We repent for what the Supreme Court has done to this nation, the murder of children, the shedding of innocent blood. We repent for sexual sin. We repent for homosexual marriage. We repent Father for what our nation has done.

Now come visit us — save our nation! We plead the covenant of “sure mercy” over America, over our kids, over our grandkids. Save our nation, save our kids, save our grandkids! You ordained us to finish what Jesus started, what Noah, Daniel, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, Elisha — Father in Jesus name — give us the double that Joel promised for the last days! We’re here, we’re ready, we need it now! Do it! And help us prepare our kids to walk in it, in Jesus name! And, our grandkids will see it, they will walk in it, and they will serve you! You’re a God a provision, your God of deliverance!

And, Father You said exactly what You would do in Psalm 2. “When the leaders start saying, let us break their bonds in pieces, cast their cords from us. You who sit in the heavens, You laugh! You mock them, You hold them in derision, You will speak to them in your wrath! Wrath of God come to the unrepentant and the suppressors of truth, manifest Your hand, wrath to them in Jesus name! And, You will distress them in your deep pleasure!

So father, in the name of Jesus, visit them, put Your hand on them, distress them in Your deep displeasure. If they try to steal an election, whenever they try to legislate perversion and filth — distress them until they turn or they are removed! Put Your hand on them in Jesus name!

Here we are! Hear the voice of your Noahs, hear the voice of the Daniels, hear the voice of the Job’s in Jesus name! Here it, and respond! And father, You even spoke to the judges in psalms 2:10-12 — kiss the Son or perish! Supreme Court judges, you hear the word of the Lord – kiss the Son or perish! Sotomayor, Bryer, Gorsuch, all of you justices — kiss the Son or perish! You better not legislate against God! If you set your face against God, let the God we serve visit you in the full measure of His wrath until you repent or you are removed in Jesus name! Abortion will cease in this nation and Justices, it’s your job to do it! In the name of Jesus Amen!”

For complete teaching, and other excellent teachings on understanding how to pray with authority, visit U-tube: Al Houghton, Word at Work, “Positioned for Power”


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