Several years ago I was watching a local news station in the San Francisco Bay Area. They were reporting about a dog that had been given to a neighbor by a family that was moving away and were unable to take the dog with them. It was reported by a witness, that the man later tied the dog to a tree, wrapped duct tape around its’ mouth and let his other dogs loose on this dog. It had no way to defend itself. Authorities were called, but when they arrived, the dog had to be euthanized because the injuries were so horrible and the dog was in so much pain.

That story broke my heart as I love animals and there were tears in the eyes of the reporter sharing the story. I wish I hadn’t heard the story. I wanted to take all that information out of my mind and pretend I hadn’t heard it. I closed it off in my memory and tried to forget it; you may feel that way at the moment too.

Weeks later as I was in prayer one morning, praying for babies that were being aborted; the Lord reminded me about that news story and how I felt. He spoke to my mind in my thoughts and said, “That is what happens to a baby being aborted in the womb. They are in pain and have no voice that can be heard from the womb.” I was shaken by this revelation and said, “What do you want me to do Lord?” I was led to type up this revelation and fax, email and send to every source I could find in the government and friends and family. This was before the days of facebook and smart phones.

I received a form letter from my senator’s office telling me that she understood my concern, respected my views and appreciated my contacting her office. Since this was a personal issue and everyone had their own opinions, there was nothing she could do about it. That is not word for word and I did not save the letter, but basically I was dismissed.

Who am I? I’m just one person. When I discoverd that I do have a voice, I have chosen to use it. What are you going to do?

“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” Psalms 94:16

“You, Father God, stand with me against the evildoers and the workers of iniquity. Those who harden their hearts and choose to kill and support the death of the unborn. Change their hearts, O’ GOD, or cut them off to stop their wickedness and destruction of those who cannot speak.” In Jesus name, Amen

For every aborted life, I declare and decree exponential salvation of souls who acknowledge and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Psalm 139:15-16 – “When my bones were being formed, carefully put together in my mother’s womb, when I was growing there in secret, you knew that I was there — you saw me before I was born. The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any of them ever began.” GNT

NOTE: God loves you. He has a plan for your life. I encourage you, if you have not done so, to invite Him into your life (check out “About Me“). If you have been touched by this BLOG and need prayer, please respond in the “Contact” section of my website. I would love to pray for you or with you.

3 Replies to “WHO WILL STAND UP WITH ME . . . ?”

  1. Thank you Beth for inviting us to respond to issues God is placing on our hearts!

  2. I am glad that you were encouraged to step out and use your voice or take whatever action God inspires you to take. God has given us authority and it is up to use it.
    Luke 10:19 and Matthew 18

  3. My Warrior sister Beth,, when i was reading,,The comment on the tormented babies when they are being aborted this is what I felt
    while I was reading this my heart was being ripped in two

    I remember the moment when I was 14 years old and was forced to have an abortion

    ….i remember the feeling of her being sucked out of me

    I watched as they took this fetus whole

    she was still in one piece as it seemed to me

    I was given absolutely nothing to sedate me because I was so young

    so I was wide awake and felt everything

    She was placed in a jar while I lay there in pain crying not knowing what the h*** is going on

    but Beth ,,you have taught me how to process this deep deep tormented pain that the mothers feel as well

    to give it to the Holy Spirit and let the Lord remind me that that precious little girl is in HEAVEN with him

    thank you for sharing

    it really reached my heart

    I am in tears as I speak this to you

    I pray for all the mothers that lay there and are tormented along with the babies,,, For they are all being rocked and nurtured and loved by our our HEAVENLY FATHER Amen

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