Tag: trust

Watch “Secretariat — “It’s Who You Are” Music Video” on YouTube

Watch “Secretariat — “It’s Who You Are” Music Video” on YouTube



A couple of years ago, we were doing a spiritual exercise with Agape Freedom Fighters. We were asked to think about “What horse represents who you are and how you see yourself?”

The first name that came to me was “Hildago”. Hildago was the movie about a wild mustang that was captured and trained by a rugged cowboy, Frank Hopkins – played by Viggo Mortensen. An affluent Sheik, played by Omar Sharif, challenges the notoriety of Frank Hopkins and invites him and his horse to participate in a 3,000 mile race in the Middle East.

Frank accepted the challenge and went to the Arabian Peninsula to run against top thoroughbreds and the best riders in the world. During the race, he is faced with several attempts to slow him down and potentially to kill him. It portrays a courageous horse and rider facing danger, requiring endurance and perseverance to eventually end up winning the race.

Click on the website below to see the short movie trailer for Hildago. Hit back arrow to return to the BLOG.


In my mind, when I saw a picture of “Hildago”, I saw a horse that persevered against all odds. Never giving up when it would have been easy. He won his race. That seemed to represent how I felt about myself. Somehow now at the latter days of my life, after Tom’s passing in May of 2017, I was at the end of my race. My dreams of ministering with my husband no longer possible.

As I was meditating on this, quietly Holy Spirit said, “That’s who you saw yourself and that’s how you lived. You were born to be ‘Secretariat’.”

Yes, my season had changed. My circumstances different. My paint pallet now fresh with new color choices and a fresh canvas. Oh the possibilities. How do I begin? What does that mean?

I was recently prompted by Holy Spirit to view the movie Secretariat again and cried as I saw myself with the “heart of a champion” — a daughter of the God of the universe, King of Glory. Important enough that He would shut down an entire highway to keep me safe when my car broke down on the freeway in June of 2021. Loved enough to provide a new car, new opportunities for ministry, deeper intimacy with Him and new levels of trust, blessings and miracles. The key words spoken by the father to his daughter when she presented the horse to him was — “let him run his race.”

God is pouring out His glory on the earth in a “fresh” way.

Are you ready to “run your race” and see what God has for you?

Are you stuck in an old mindset of who you think you are because of changed circumstances?

Have you lost your dreams or desires that God has put in your heart because you have not seen them come to pass yet?

Are you ready to give any false beliefs over to God? What is it that God wants to give you in exchange?

Ask the Lord Jesus to stir His Holy Spirit afresh in you if you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Let Him stir the embers of your heart to receive His “glory.”

If you have never invited Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior, do it now!

“Jesus, I choose by an act of my will to receive all that you have done for me by taking my sin on the cross and paying the price for my salvation. I give you control of my life this day.”

Then for the best part, ask “Holy Spirit” to fill you and reveal Himself to you.

Run your race! Fulfill the destiny that God has for you. Give Him all you’ve got and don’t look back.

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After the Breakdown

After the Breakdown

My car stopped working July 10, 2021, and I had it towed to my daughter’s house where my son-in-law could take a look at it. We decided to have it towed to a local dealership for a “diagnostic” service. The fee would be arou6+qyy8iyqyqqrtyayqyytyyqtqtqqyyytuuuiuy it II ind $200, but we had to start somewhere.

As the dealership service department began to check it out, they noticed that a spark plug literally burst from its connection. The battery was also dead. To continue spending any more time, they notified him that it would now cost $400 and may cost thousands to fix it. Oh well, praise the Lord. We needed to know if it would start with a new battery and go from there. They called back and said it would start with a new battery placed in it. That was what my son-in-law needed to know. We would have it towed back to their place. The manager said, we are not charging you anything. WOW!

July 23, A few days later, I received a phone call from the same person who had called me when I was on the highway.  I had to let it go to Voice Message.  Upon checking it later, the message said, “We have been praying about your car; and, as a church, we are going to give you a $1,000 toward the repair. I will send a check out tomorrow.” WOW! I broke down and cried I was so overwhelmed with gratitude. My friend, Pattie, listened to the message as I couldn’t answer her. She began to shake and could only say, WOW! The glory of God’s presence filled the room. Others who heard about what happened, responded with financial gifts toward the repair or purchase of a new car.

UPDATE: February 21, 2022 – I have not been posting for a while and when I posted my blog on “Cells” I realized that I had not finished this post to bring you up to date.  Sorry about that!

After my son-in-law finished work on other jobs he had already committed to, he was then able to spend time working on my car. He spent hours researching the problem that caused the shut down, prayed for wisdom and discernment on how to proceed (this is not his normal line of work, but always willing to learn). He ordered a manual, specific tools and parts that didn’t come in and had to reorder through another company, Last year provided interesting opportunities for delay in getting goods and auto parts. God faithfully supplied the financial means to complete the work. I have watched God work in Jamie’s life and knew he could do it if He knew God was asking. The thing I love the most about this experience:  it wasn’t about time or money, or inconvenience — it was about what God was doing in each life involved.

For five months without a car, I found myself totally dependent on God for every need. For groceries, I had wonderful friends who were willing to take me to the store or pick up something I needed. One suggestion was to apply for Sr. Nutrition services for delivery of hot, home delivered meals, They are tasty and have been a blessing.  I also needed transportation to different places.  I couldn’t just jump in the car and take a ride to get out of the house. Walls begin to close in over time; and yet, I had an amazing peace and grace through it all. I found myself “content” and living in gratitude. I have a plaque that says, “The Will of God will never lead you where the Grace of God cannot keep you.”

One particular time was a ministry opportunity with Agape Freedom Fighters that was being held in Roseville, CA. I wanted to go but didn’t have anyone from my area to get a ride. When I posted a note to that fact on our AFF texting site, I immediately was contacted and told by a dear sister that God put it on her heart to drive from Roseville to pick me up and bring me back to the church to minister and then to drive me back home (that’s approximately a 45 minute trip one way and she was making two round trips). She said, “God wants you there!” I was shocked and humbled. “My God”, the one who told me, “You are important enough to Me to shut down an entire highway!” [SEE BREAKDOWN]

I do have my car.  We are still finding little things that need to be repaired, but it feels so wonderful being able to drive again (I close my eyes at the almost $5 a gal gasoline and thank Him for His provision). It was really strange when I got back into it for the first time. Almost forgot how to drive. the operative word is “almost.” HaHa!

Do you see the hand of God in your life? Do you know His provision financially, physically, spiritually in a personal way? Do you know that He loves you and has a plan for your life? I would love to hear how God reveals Himself to you. If you do not know Him, He is just waiting to introduce Himself. Let me know if you would like prayer or someone to talk with about this amazing God.