Tag: suddenly

Watch “Break Every Chain (Live) – Tasha Cobbs” on YouTube (see link below)

Watch “Break Every Chain (Live) – Tasha Cobbs” on YouTube (see link below)


ACTS 5:17-20: ” . . . . But, during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and leading them out said, Go, take your stand in the temple . . . .”

The scripture does not suggest that this was a normal occurrence. To my knowledge, this is the first appearance of an angel appearing and removing anyone out of their confinement. There were angels who came to Lot in the city of Sodom when the city was set to be destroyed. They visited them and led them out of the city for their protection and response to Abraham’s request to the Lord. (Genesis 18 & 19)

We know about the protection of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the furnace (Daniel 3). We know about Daniel when an Angel of the Lord protects him (Daniel 6). The protection for each was within the confines of their circumstances.

Peter was in a prison, surrounded by guards whose life was forfeited if they failed their job, which they did through no fault of their own. An angel is responsible for opening the prison door, but how since the doors were found locked and the guards still on duty? The angel actually opened a (tangible) locked door, led them out, and locked it again without a key (?) and no one heard a thing? They didn’t just pass through the locked door. Just thinking about it is mind boggling.

I can imagine them sitting there wondering what would happen to them. Was this the end? Were they to die and be with the Lord? What would happen? I doubt the appearance of an angel ever crossed their minds. They did, however, have previous experience with God’s faithfulness and the miraculous.

What is your experience? Have you ever been a situation where you saw no way out? Where you were experiencing hopelessness? Do you believe God could send an angel for you?


ACTS 16:25-26: “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying. They were also singing hymns to God…

“Suddenly” there was a powerful earthquake. It shook the prison from top to bottom. All at once the prison doors flew open. Everybody’s chains came loose.

They were put in prison for preaching the gospel. They didn’t murder anybody — harm anyone; but, they did share information that challenged people’s theology, preconceived ideas and way of life. They were challenging the “status quo” and comfort zone of those in charge.

Jesus came to do what no other man at that time could do. “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and commissioned me to bring good news to the humble and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up [the wounds of] the brokenhearted, to proclaim release [from confinement and condemnation] to the [physical and spiritual] captives and freedom to prisoners . . . . ” (Isaiah 61)

If you want to see the Lord move in your life, begin to praise Him. He will turn your situation around and you’ll see the VICTORY!” The enemy has no defense against praise.

Do you feel like you are in “prison” and need a “suddenly” in your life?

Are you bound by a physical illness, lack of finances, depression, addiction, etc.? Are there chains holding you to your past or keeping you from walking out of a prison in your life? What is in your mind (memory) that might be affecting your body and your emotions; and, or, healthy relationship with God and others?

It’s easy to praise the Lord when we feel good; when things are going well. Pain is often a reflection of emotions trapped in the body. — fear, anger, judgment, sorrow, unforgiveness, etc.

When my husband was in the hospital, diagnosed with a terminal illness, we were waiting to receive information about a procedure they wanted to do to him. He was dozing and I sat in a chair next to his bed. I pulled up the song Break Every Chain. It was a recording of a live service with Tasha Cobbs singing and ministering.

I heard in my mind, “the prison door is unlocked; kick it open; the chains will fall off, and then walk out.” I could see myself sitting in that prison of fear and uncertainty of what lay ahead. I physically raised my leg and kicked that imaginary door open, felt the weight of the chains falling off and in my mind I walked out of that prison of fear and uncertainty. That was a “suddenly” in my life that allowed me to walk through the next part of my journey – widowhood.

Once you walk out of the prison, DON’T LOOK BACK!

We listened to the doctors. Prayed as a family and Tom made his decision not to have a procedure that would be both painful and prolong the inevitable end result (unless God supernaturally intervened). He was sent home to be with family where he could live out the remainder of his time with us before going home to be with the Lord days later.


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Suddenly – the Damascus Road

Suddenly – the Damascus Road

When Saul was on the road to Damascus, “. . . ‘suddenly’ a light from heaven flashed around him; he fell to the ground, and heard a voice. . . . ” Acts 9:1-18

Saul’s entire life changed with that “suddenly” as he had a personal encounter with the risen Christ. It included forgiveness; physical healing; transformation of his heart and mind; name change; and new direction in his life.

He received healing for blindness; forgiveness from Jesus and the Christians he was persecuting; faced rejection from his fellow friends and Jewish leaders; dealt with any personal guilt from his actions; imprisonment, beatings, stoning, and eventually death. In the process, he became Paul one of the greatest apostles to the gentiles and author of many letters in the New Testament.

Have you ever experienced a “suddenly” that stopped you and effected your destination or journey in life?

Three years ago, I “suddenly” lost all power in my car and barely made it to the left side of the busy highway. Stranded, broken down in an unsafe location, on a hot day, God stepped in and directed every step. I had been in, and stayed in, an attitude of praise and it kept fear from entering. Something, that affected me spiritually and emotionally, happened before I left home. I was on my way to a weekend of ministry and chose to stay in an attitude of praise and gratitude. My testimony of that event is on my website “www.givinggodavoice.com” under “Breakdown” in Beth’s Corner.

This “suddenly” effected my life in so many areas as I heard God say, “You are important enough to Me to shut down an entire freeway!” A CHP officer had stopped all traffic so he could push me across five lanes from one side of the freeway to the other side. Learning to live without a car for several months, it shifted my experiential journey with the Lord. I became totally dependent upon Him to meet my everyday physical needs. It gave me the opportunity to encounter a deeper level of trust and intimacy with Him.

Has there been a “suddenly” in your life?

Was it life changing? Was there a positive or negative outcome? Did it lead you into a deeper level of trust or intimacy with the Lord or did it cause you to become angry with Him or others (including yourself)?

Let me know how I can pray for you or pray the words below:

Father, I experienced a “suddenly” in my life and didn’t know how to handle it. I give my confusion (and possibly anger) to you and ask that you reveal what I need to see. Was it an attack or assignment from the enemy to stop me from fulfilling something you asked me to do? Was it inattentiveness to your voice and failure to hear your warning? Was it outright rebellion on my part due to my own agenda for my life?

You promised that you would work things together for my good. There is now therefore no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, so I repent and receive your forgiveness. I ask you to turn it around for Your good that you will be glorified. In Jesus name, Amen!

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Suddenly – Day of Pentecost – (SEE VIDEO AT THE END)

Suddenly – Day of Pentecost – (SEE VIDEO AT THE END)

Acts 2:1-4: “And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And “suddenly” there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.”

The “suddenly” happened as a result of their obedience to what Jesus told them to do before He left them. Acts1:1-8

What has God asked of you that could produce a “suddenly” in your life?

Have you been listening? Has He been speaking to you about what you need to do to prepare for a “suddenly”?

Will it happen just like the day of Pentecost when the world was turned upside down forever?

Are you, like the disciples, waiting to receive the promise of “hope” and “change”? Have you gotten discouraged with false hope? Seeing nothing change? A sense of dread or hopelessness? 

Do you think the disciples had their doubts and fears surrounded by all the persecution and uncertainties around them? Jesus had just been crucified. All the miracles and experiences they had with Him were over. The excitement of watching people healed, the quiet times He shared with them – over. The teaching and spiritual environment they felt when they were with Him – over.

After He had risen He appeared to them, but then left. Why couldn’t He stay and things go on like they had before? Why did He have to go? He brought comfort to them by being with them. It was like “old times”.

Before Jesus left to go to the Father, He commanded them to stay in Jerusalem and WAIT for the promise of the Father. Waiting is the hardest thing to do. Sometimes it seems like forever. How would that look? What was going to happen? Would He come back again and they would resume their life with Him as though He had never left? The unknown; the uncertainty. Oh, it would probably be a little different. After all, everyone knew He had been crucified, but they could handle that because He would be with them again.

Are you prepared for a “suddenly”? If not, then pray:

Father, I have lost hope. I can’t see what You are doing. It seems like nothing will change.

I stand with Your word that You are faithful and true – ABSOLUTELY GOOD. You are a God of justice and nothing is hidden that will not be revealed.

Open my eyes, Lord, to see with Your eyes and hear with Your ears. Let me be ready to respond to a “suddenly” with positive expectation and without fear.

Do whatever you need to do in my heart to prepare me to accept (without judgment), love (unconditionally), pray (with authority given to me), and disciple those you send to me. Teach me, Lord.

When the “suddenly” happens, they will come! Are you ready?

Scroll down and play video.

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God has been speaking to me about the word “suddenly.” It is when something happens abruptly, quickly, unexpectedly and without warning. How would you react to a “suddenly” in your life?

I’m sure most people experience a “suddenly” at sometime in their life – accident, unexpected death of someone they know, a financial gift they didn’t expect, reconciliation with a friend or family member, etc.

Can you remember how you reacted in that moment? Did you give thanks to God as you experienced that emotion or event? Did you recall, through your personal experience with Him, that He is faithful? Did it produce good fruit in your life? Are you suffering any trauma from that “suddenly”?

Father, I pray for anyone reading this BLOG who has experienced an unpleasant “suddenly” in their life that created trauma. I ask You to go back to that moment with them and show them where You were with them at that moment and how You were present with them in their experience. Let them see with Your eyes and understand with Your heart.

Say with me, “I forgive anyone who may have been associated with my experience (and quite possibly yourself). I release all trauma that I experienced at that moment in time and ask Father that Your Holy Spirit remove any painful emotions that may be trapped in my body and soul from that experience. I now receive Your peace and healing. In Jesus Name!”

I will be sharing some events that have happened in my life due to a “suddenly.”

Praising the Lord and giving thanks always, will be the best remedy for staying in the “present” to a “suddenly” that comes your way.

Take a couple of minutes to bless the Lord. You don’t have to use these suggestions; use your own words to speak praises to the Lord.

“I break agreement with every negative word I’ve heard, accepted and repeated. I now declare and decree:” [Include others by name, if possible, as an act of faith – speaking those things that are not as though they are.]

Psalm 145:1-3: “We (use family names, neighbors, city, state, country, world) will extol You, our God, our King; and we will bless Your name forever and ever.

Today we bless You and we praise Your name forever and ever. Great are you Lord, and highly to be praised; and Your greatness is unsearchable.”

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