Tag: sorrow

“Come and dance . . . .

“Come and dance . . . .

. . . . and sing with Me” – Song

From out of the darkness and into the light,
He calls you to come to Him.
Leave the things of the past behind.
Come to Him.

Come and dance and sing with Him.
Come and dance and play.
Come out of the darkness and into the light,
And be with Him.

You're not of this world anymore.
You opened the door; invited Him in.
You asked forgiveness;
Release from sin.

You've waited and waited
For Him to come in;
Beloved, He says,
"I've been waiting within!"

Come and dance and sing with Me.
Come and dance and play.
Come out of the darkness and into the light
And be with Me.

Your heart has been heavy.
Your sorrow is great.
You think I'm not with you
That somehow I'm late.

Beloved no greater love
Has been given,
Than that which I've sent
You from heaven.

Come and dance and sing with Me.
Come and dance and play!
Original song “Come and Dance” from Beth Fredricksen

Drawing courtesy of Julie Banks Design. For more info, call her at 805-680-8122 or jbsbca@hotmail.com



In my mind, I see myself
In a house full of rocks;
But when I turn around,
I don’t see any rocks!

Confused, I think,
“What did I see?”
“Rocks are being
thrown at me!”

“Come on Lord,
I don’t see the rocks.
What is this all about?”
What is happening to me?

And then I heard,
“Many of the thoughts I speak,
And that are spoken to me,
Become as rocks thrown you see!”

They are often sent
To bring me down;
And, if I let them,
Cause me to frown.

My life could become lonely
And dreary each day;
But wait, there’s hope,
Jesus is the way.

With Him on my mind,
The rocks disappear.
No more sorrow;
No more fear.

Isaiah 26:3 NKJV
“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.”