Tag: negative words



Praise the Lord!

While I was sitting with the Lord yesterday, he gave me the word “Surprise.” I said, “What surprise do you have in store?” “How could the demonic be taken by surprise?” The Lord reminded me that the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary , they have divine power to demolish strongholds. (2 Cor. 10:14)

In my mind, the Lord brought me up to the top of a mountain looking out on the world. “What do you see, was the thought that came to mind?” I see masks on people’s faces. Underneath the masks are people who are hurting but no one sees. Their expressions are covered, hidden from sight. They haven’t been touched by another human for weeks because of physical distancing. Fears everywhere. You could almost touch it. The media feeds on it to create fear which multiplies with every report. The airwaves are filled with lies and toxic words. Fear is the breeding ground for negative words and lies.

“I said Lord how can this happen?” l heard the words, through ignorance, misinformation, exaggeration, manipulation, lies, apathy, deception, confusion, dissemination, division, complaining, dissatisfaction , grumbling. Then the thought came, “40 days of praise!” We should be doing this anyway, but making a concentrated, dedicated effort.

Declare a scripture of praise and release it over yourself, over your family, church, neighborhood, city, state, country. Some people fast food TV etc. We are to fast negative words; break agreements with the negative words we have heard, agreed with and allowed to be repeated from our lips. We are to speak the words of praise for 40 days. Praise is the weapon that will “Surprise” the enemy and one he cannot defend against. Spread the word. Begin now.

Check “Comments” above for suggested prayers each day. You can say your own or use these. Once you get through the 1-10, start over for day 11, 21,31.

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