Tag: Gods love

“WHAT KIND OF VESSEL . . .” – Song

“WHAT KIND OF VESSEL . . .” – Song

The Holy Spirit was around one day
Looking for a vessel made of clay.
One was full and the other cracked;
He said, "I guess I'll have to come back."

He was looking for an empty one
That He could fill and overrun;
Filling it freely with power and love
So it could be used by God above.

What kind of vessel should we be
To let God's love flow so free?
What kind of vessel should we be
To let God's love flow so free?

If we're always busy doing good works
But never have time for people who hurt;
We block the flow of his love for them
And yet they think He's our best friend.

He wants to use us on His own
But often we're busy on the phone;
Telling Him what He should do
And He just says, "I wish you were through."

What kind of vessel should we be
To let God's love flow so free?
What kind of vessel should we be
To let God's love flow so free?

If we were open and waiting on Him
He'd be delighted to fill us within
So His love could pour out on all around
For no greater love could ever be found.

Original Song, “What Kind of Vessel Should We Be” by Beth Fredricksen

Drawing courtesy of Julie Banks Design. For more information, call her at 805-680-8122 or jbsbca@hotmail.com