Tag: fear




When my car stopped running on the freeway last year, I faced the challenge of having no car. As I prayed, people began giving money to me to get it fixed or possibly buy another car. WOW! My mind swirled with thoughts and questions, “What do I do Lord?” I’m thinking I can’t afford a monthly payment. I may have to pay more for insurance if I buy a newer car that is more expensive, even if given to me. Car registration may be higher. My thought was an ideal car would be one that was used, [preferably that I knew the owner], in good condition and reasonably priced.

With all that, the Lord said, “Step 1 — fix it up. I will reveal the next step once it is fixed.” My son-in-law, Jamie, offered to work on the car (had done some car repair). He felt the Lord encouraging him; and, I had confidence that he could do it because I knew God would guide him. He attempted this difficult challenge on a large luxury vehicle with a service manual and a willingness to go for it.

After five months (Oct. 2021) due to delays in getting parts and other work he was doing, I had my car returned in great condition. He was even able to do more. A spark plug blew; a new “head” would be needed; once everything was taken apart more might need to be repaired. Fortunately it did not harm the transmission or engine. What was given as gifts, paid for repairing my car. [SEE AFTER THE BREAKDOWN]

This past month (March 2022), I knew I was ready to let go of my car. At my family’s urging I drove a car that they were doing some work on for a friend who thought she had a buyer. The potential buyer changed their mind. At first I was hesitant as it was smaller. Once I drove it, I knew it was mine. Now the price? The price was lowered and my kids called and said they would loan the money until my car was sold.

On my way to pick up the car, my friend came with me who really wanted my car. It fit her needs and was a desire on her heart. That morning, a family member called and gave her money toward the purchase of my car. I still didn’t know what I needed, but once an amount was settled, I let her know. She knew she could sell her car. It turned out that another family member needed her car as they were moving here from another state and it provided the complete price I was asking.

Early this morning, March 28, the Lord began to talk to me about what He was doing. “The money from the sale of your car is My blessing. The money to fix it up came from Me through people I used as a part of your blessing.” [I was selling it to her for less than “Private Sale” suggested price, which means those who contributed are also part of the blessing.]

“You are in turn being used as a part of My blessing for ______ as her blessing is coming from her family member.” [This member had been estranged for several years and God was restoring the relationship. She never said she needed money to buy it, they openly asked and offered financial help.]

“The ways I work are a mystery to men, but economical for Me. I waste nothing because in it I am able to do many things. In the world, people are only focused on certain things. In that tunnel vision, much gets missed. I see the whole picture, you only see part. While it may appear nothing is changing, it is the momentary light affliction that causes the most growth.”

There are so many things at work right now, that many people are walking in fear and uncertainty. Jesus is our certainty! He is our constant! He is our provider and only reliable source.

I invite you to ask Him to enter into any circumstance you may be facing at this moment that seems insurmountable to you in your life.

Invite Him into your life by saying:

“Lord Jesus, things are out of control. I can’t see the solution, but I can see what I think is a problem. I give you my life and my problem and ask that you bring your solution. I release it into your hands and excited to see what you will do. You were faithful to Beth. I know you will be faithful to me.”

Please feel free to “Comment” below or let me know how I can pray for you.

I heard God laughing. . .

I heard God laughing. . .

Psalms 2:4

As I was praying today, this laugher arose out of my belly as I could see and hear the Lord laughing. I began to laugh and I knew it was Him. I searched for a sound of laughter similar to what I heard. Gods laughter was richer in tone and had an eternal sound. This is the best that I could find.

“Why are the nation’s in an uproar, and the people’s devising a vain thing?

The kings of the Earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his Anointed: ‘Let us tear their feathers apart, and cast away their cords from us!’

He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. Then he will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury: ‘But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain.’

In my mind, I could see Him watching mice (men/people) scurrying around frantically running around and around in a frenzy. They ran into each other and over the top of each other. A blindness was forming over their eyes and they couldn’t see where they were going.

“I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, ‘Thou art My Son, Today I have begotten Thee. Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Thine inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Thy possession. Thou shalt shatter them with a rod of iron, Thou shalt shatter them like earthenware.'”

God was laughing as he watched their feeble efforts of control slipping from them. It was hilarious and freeing.

“Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, O judges of the earth. Worship the Lord with reverence, and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son, lest He become angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath may be soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him.”

There is a spirit of chaos that the enemy has loosed upon the world that causes fear and robs us of joy. There are plans made by evil men in secret, but it is not a secret to Him.

The Lord is speaking and saying to each of us,





Praise the Lord!

While I was sitting with the Lord yesterday, he gave me the word “Surprise.” I said, “What surprise do you have in store?” “How could the demonic be taken by surprise?” The Lord reminded me that the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary , they have divine power to demolish strongholds. (2 Cor. 10:14)

In my mind, the Lord brought me up to the top of a mountain looking out on the world. “What do you see, was the thought that came to mind?” I see masks on people’s faces. Underneath the masks are people who are hurting but no one sees. Their expressions are covered, hidden from sight. They haven’t been touched by another human for weeks because of physical distancing. Fears everywhere. You could almost touch it. The media feeds on it to create fear which multiplies with every report. The airwaves are filled with lies and toxic words. Fear is the breeding ground for negative words and lies.

“I said Lord how can this happen?” l heard the words, through ignorance, misinformation, exaggeration, manipulation, lies, apathy, deception, confusion, dissemination, division, complaining, dissatisfaction , grumbling. Then the thought came, “40 days of praise!” We should be doing this anyway, but making a concentrated, dedicated effort.

Declare a scripture of praise and release it over yourself, over your family, church, neighborhood, city, state, country. Some people fast food TV etc. We are to fast negative words; break agreements with the negative words we have heard, agreed with and allowed to be repeated from our lips. We are to speak the words of praise for 40 days. Praise is the weapon that will “Surprise” the enemy and one he cannot defend against. Spread the word. Begin now.

Check “Comments” above for suggested prayers each day. You can say your own or use these. Once you get through the 1-10, start over for day 11, 21,31.

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In my mind, I see myself
In a house full of rocks;
But when I turn around,
I don’t see any rocks!

Confused, I think,
“What did I see?”
“Rocks are being
thrown at me!”

“Come on Lord,
I don’t see the rocks.
What is this all about?”
What is happening to me?

And then I heard,
“Many of the thoughts I speak,
And that are spoken to me,
Become as rocks thrown you see!”

They are often sent
To bring me down;
And, if I let them,
Cause me to frown.

My life could become lonely
And dreary each day;
But wait, there’s hope,
Jesus is the way.

With Him on my mind,
The rocks disappear.
No more sorrow;
No more fear.

Isaiah 26:3 NKJV
“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.”