Tag: darkness

Suddenly – Day of Pentecost – (SEE VIDEO AT THE END)

Suddenly – Day of Pentecost – (SEE VIDEO AT THE END)

Acts 2:1-4: “And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And “suddenly” there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.”

The “suddenly” happened as a result of their obedience to what Jesus told them to do before He left them. Acts1:1-8

What has God asked of you that could produce a “suddenly” in your life?

Have you been listening? Has He been speaking to you about what you need to do to prepare for a “suddenly”?

Will it happen just like the day of Pentecost when the world was turned upside down forever?

Are you, like the disciples, waiting to receive the promise of “hope” and “change”? Have you gotten discouraged with false hope? Seeing nothing change? A sense of dread or hopelessness? 

Do you think the disciples had their doubts and fears surrounded by all the persecution and uncertainties around them? Jesus had just been crucified. All the miracles and experiences they had with Him were over. The excitement of watching people healed, the quiet times He shared with them – over. The teaching and spiritual environment they felt when they were with Him – over.

After He had risen He appeared to them, but then left. Why couldn’t He stay and things go on like they had before? Why did He have to go? He brought comfort to them by being with them. It was like “old times”.

Before Jesus left to go to the Father, He commanded them to stay in Jerusalem and WAIT for the promise of the Father. Waiting is the hardest thing to do. Sometimes it seems like forever. How would that look? What was going to happen? Would He come back again and they would resume their life with Him as though He had never left? The unknown; the uncertainty. Oh, it would probably be a little different. After all, everyone knew He had been crucified, but they could handle that because He would be with them again.

Are you prepared for a “suddenly”? If not, then pray:

Father, I have lost hope. I can’t see what You are doing. It seems like nothing will change.

I stand with Your word that You are faithful and true – ABSOLUTELY GOOD. You are a God of justice and nothing is hidden that will not be revealed.

Open my eyes, Lord, to see with Your eyes and hear with Your ears. Let me be ready to respond to a “suddenly” with positive expectation and without fear.

Do whatever you need to do in my heart to prepare me to accept (without judgment), love (unconditionally), pray (with authority given to me), and disciple those you send to me. Teach me, Lord.

When the “suddenly” happens, they will come! Are you ready?

Scroll down and play video.

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Wickedness will be revealed before the assembly!

Wickedness will be revealed before the assembly!

In Proverbs 26:24-28 the Lord, said “He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deceit within himself; when he speaks kindly, do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart; though his hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.”

“Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him. A lying tongue hates those who are crushed by it, and a flattering mouth works ruin.”

You may be reading this and think you have no power or you can’t do anything about what you are seeing or hearing, or not seeing or hearing in the news. You may be frustrated or in fear of what is to come.

As believers, we do have authority which has been given to us by God. Are you using yours? Do you know how to use the authority given to you if you know Him? You have a voice and your prayers do make a difference when you establish a relationship with Him and listen to what He tells you to say. We don’t just pray what we want, we ask God, “What do you want?” “How do you want me to pray?” Praying is just talking out loud, if possible, so you can hear with your physical ears what you are saying. He may speak back in your thoughts or through the words of the bible or others. Once, he used a “jackass” to keep an Old Testament prophet from being killed. [Numbers 22:21-38]


We speak to those who are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness (national media, social media, world rulers, power brokers, politicians, etc.). We thrust you from your political office, or place of malevolent and evil intentions to come against God’s destiny for this nation; that you will be cast down from your place of authority and influence, in Jesus name.

Father we decree in Jesus name, that Your favor is upon the God-lovers in this election, it’s on the people who bow to You, it’s on the people who acknowledge You! And all the Senators and all the Representatives who stand against You, who champion abortion, who champion what You say will destroy a nation, let them be defeated!

Summon Your power God. Cast them from office in Jesus name! Let this election be a flood that sweeps the ungodly out of office and sweeps the godly into office! Sweeps those who will bow to You, who acknowledge You who love You, who support You, who hear You! O God give us our nation back in Jesus name!

Father, You said that we were written in Your book, Psalm 139, You have things written for us to do. Lord we’re asking You, because You’ve given us that scripture today Psalm 139, we’re asking for manifestation of it. We’re asking for every person who hears your message, that you visit them and cause Psalm 139:16-18 to be real to them and to us. That you would give us a manifestation, something we haven’t seen, something we didn’t know, something we haven heard. But, Your Spirit, Your eyes saw our substance when it was yet unformed, and in Your book, they were all written, the days fashioned for us, when as yet — there were none of them.

Father, there’s a book written about every single one of us,. We’re asking You to open the book! How precious also are your thoughts to me, o God how great is the sum of them. God, You have things to say to us, and we need to be able to hear them. If we should count them they would be more in number than the sand. When we’re awake, we’re still with You. Oh that you would slay the wicked!

Father let our votes this week and next, slay the wicked in Jesus name! Cut off their political careers! And, if it’s possible, save them, deliver them, but cut off their wickedness in Jesus name. Kill their political career in Jesus name, so they can be saved, their ears will be open to hear: Where did I go wrong? How did I miss it? How did I get in this deception? Jesus died for people, the ultimate in love. He laid His life down, suffered terribly so that we could be saved! Father in Jesus name, we ask You today for nations, give us nations for our inheritance. We ask for it, we praise You for it, we’re calling it forth! Hallelujah!

If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, take a moment right now and say, “Jesus, I have made mistakes in my life I can’t change. I have made wrong decisions I can’t change. I am asking you to come into my life now. I give you control the best I know how.”

“For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Based on teaching from “Putting the Enemy to Flight” by Al Houghton, Mondays from 11 am to 12 PST, October 26, 2020. [See previous post.]


“Come and dance . . . .

“Come and dance . . . .

. . . . and sing with Me” – Song

From out of the darkness and into the light,
He calls you to come to Him.
Leave the things of the past behind.
Come to Him.

Come and dance and sing with Him.
Come and dance and play.
Come out of the darkness and into the light,
And be with Him.

You're not of this world anymore.
You opened the door; invited Him in.
You asked forgiveness;
Release from sin.

You've waited and waited
For Him to come in;
Beloved, He says,
"I've been waiting within!"

Come and dance and sing with Me.
Come and dance and play.
Come out of the darkness and into the light
And be with Me.

Your heart has been heavy.
Your sorrow is great.
You think I'm not with you
That somehow I'm late.

Beloved no greater love
Has been given,
Than that which I've sent
You from heaven.

Come and dance and sing with Me.
Come and dance and play!
Original song “Come and Dance” from Beth Fredricksen

Drawing courtesy of Julie Banks Design. For more info, call her at 805-680-8122 or jbsbca@hotmail.com