Suddenly – Day of Pentecost – (SEE VIDEO AT THE END)
Acts 2:1-4: “And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And “suddenly” there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.”
The “suddenly” happened as a result of their obedience to what Jesus told them to do before He left them. Acts1:1-8
What has God asked of you that could produce a “suddenly” in your life?
Have you been listening? Has He been speaking to you about what you need to do to prepare for a “suddenly”?
Will it happen just like the day of Pentecost when the world was turned upside down forever?
Are you, like the disciples, waiting to receive the promise of “hope” and “change”? Have you gotten discouraged with false hope? Seeing nothing change? A sense of dread or hopelessness?
Do you think the disciples had their doubts and fears surrounded by all the persecution and uncertainties around them? Jesus had just been crucified. All the miracles and experiences they had with Him were over. The excitement of watching people healed, the quiet times He shared with them – over. The teaching and spiritual environment they felt when they were with Him – over.
After He had risen He appeared to them, but then left. Why couldn’t He stay and things go on like they had before? Why did He have to go? He brought comfort to them by being with them. It was like “old times”.
Before Jesus left to go to the Father, He commanded them to stay in Jerusalem and WAIT for the promise of the Father. Waiting is the hardest thing to do. Sometimes it seems like forever. How would that look? What was going to happen? Would He come back again and they would resume their life with Him as though He had never left? The unknown; the uncertainty. Oh, it would probably be a little different. After all, everyone knew He had been crucified, but they could handle that because He would be with them again.
Are you prepared for a “suddenly”? If not, then pray:
Father, I have lost hope. I can’t see what You are doing. It seems like nothing will change.
I stand with Your word that You are faithful and true – ABSOLUTELY GOOD. You are a God of justice and nothing is hidden that will not be revealed.
Open my eyes, Lord, to see with Your eyes and hear with Your ears. Let me be ready to respond to a “suddenly” with positive expectation and without fear.
Do whatever you need to do in my heart to prepare me to accept (without judgment), love (unconditionally), pray (with authority given to me), and disciple those you send to me. Teach me, Lord.
When the “suddenly” happens, they will come! Are you ready?
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2 Replies to “Suddenly – Day of Pentecost – (SEE VIDEO AT THE END)”
No matter what Suddenly I have experienced in my life God has been faithful to show me how to give to Him the hurt or pain so He is able to bring the New Suddenly out of it. I am ever so thankful for a faithful God as We seek his face is always with us to give us the best.
We are on the brink of New Suddenly coming. Like the We have never seen before. Hold on things are turning around.
Psalm 20….Amos 9:13-15 MSG
He is faithful. Thank you for sharing.