Words Have Power

Words Have Power

I was thinking about all the unrest and hurt people are expressing and it made me think of a challenge my husband and I had some time back.

He asked about shaping our bush out front into something other than a box. I said he couldn’t. He said he could. I said “you can’t.” Just like that, with two words, he felt unsupported by me. He was angry with me and hurt by me. The problem was I couldn’t see what I had done or said that hurt him. In my mind and heart I was saying you don’t have the skills for that YET, but that’s not what I said. I said you can’t.

Words have so much power. They are definative. They can bring life or death. Have you ever said, “you know what I mean?” I know I have. I didn’t mean to hurt my husband. I didn’t mean to challenge his ability. I meant I don’t want you honing your skills on my front yard plant. The beautiful part is because he knows me and beleives the best about me he shared it was not the best choice of words and that I was able to grow from.

Have you ever heard someone say something and taken offense? Was it what they said or your own perception of what those words mean that brought you pain. Be kind, have grace, and believe the best.❤

One Reply to “Words Have Power”

  1. Kim, you have really good insight. Jesus came to teach, “The Kingdom of God Is At Hand.”
    I often referer to The Kingdom as A Kingdom of Words. Once a man said to a woman, “You can’t do that!” Without missing a beat she said, “He who says it can’t be done, should never argue with one who is doing it!” You never know what is inside a person until the squeeze gets put on.

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