
Living Water

Living Water

A couple of days ago  the Lord gave me the word “manage” and one of the definitions is “Succeed in surviving or in attaining one’s aims, especially against heavy odds.” As I was talking to Him about my time and what He was doing in my life at a recent (VOA – Voice of the …

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This information came from a post on Instagram. I wanted to make sure that all of that information was posted as they posted it. It is an excellent reminder of God’s view of praise and worship and it’s effect on us personally. It confirms the word the Lord gave me about “the enemy has no …

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A Friend in Jesus

A Friend in Jesus

Last summer, I visited my family in New Jersey to surprise my mom for her 80th birthday. While there, I shared testimony after testimony of healings and miracles I’ve personally seen around the world. My 11-year-old niece Sophie asked me a number of times if I could pray for Kanen, one of her classmates battling …

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While I was sitting with the Lord yesterday, he gave me the word “Surprise.” I said, “What surprise do you have in store?” “How could the demonic be taken by surprise?” The Lord reminded me that the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary , they have divine …

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When we branch out our friends to those with no relationship with God, you will find a lot of people feel there are many paths to God (gods). That self reflection goodness, and positive thinking will help themselves and others to be good people. Luke warm Christians have not helped. This is a wake-up call …

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Words Have Power

Words Have Power

I was thinking about all the unrest and hurt people are expressing and it made me think of a challenge my husband and I had some time back. He asked about shaping our bush out front into something other than a box. I said he couldn’t. He said he could. I said “you can’t.” Just …

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Thy kingdom come . . .

Thy kingdom come . . .

“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” [Matthew 6:10] Early this morning before I woke up, I could actually hear voices in the house.  They spoke softly and sounded both male and female. Although I couldn’t detect familiarity, I thought maybe they were my children. I also felt …

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When: May 31, 2020 10:15 a.m. In the midst of all the chaos going on and the stream of information and misinformation, we still have a voice. We don’t have to  convince anyone of our position or opinion. We don’t have to uncover conspiracy or engage in hate speech or hostility. We need only declare …

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“WHAT KIND OF VESSEL . . .” – Song

“WHAT KIND OF VESSEL . . .” – Song

The Holy Spirit was around one dayLooking for a vessel made of clay.One was full and the other cracked;He said, “I guess I’ll have to come back.”He was looking for an empty oneThat He could fill and overrun;Filling it freely with power and loveSo it could be used by God above.What kind of vessel should …

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“Come and dance . . . .

“Come and dance . . . .

. . . . and sing with Me” – Song From out of the darkness and into the light,He calls you to come to Him.Leave the things of the past behind.Come to Him. Come and dance and sing with Him.Come and dance and play.Come out of the darkness and into the light,And be with Him. …

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In my mind, I was in a fieldFull of sheep.Some were playing andSome sound asleep.I tried to get their attentionBecause I wanted to play;But, I was the odd sheep,An outcast that day.I said to the shepherd,”Where will I go?”The Shepherd said, “Come,Follow me and you will know”I said to the shepherd,”Who’s coming with me?”The Shepherd …

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In my mind, I see myselfIn a house full of rocks;But when I turn around,I don’t see any rocks! Confused, I think,“What did I see?”“Rocks are beingthrown at me!” “Come on Lord,I don’t see the rocks.What is this all about?”What is happening to me? And then I heard,“Many of the thoughts I speak,And that are …

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On April 2, 2020, I was awakened and asking the Lord how to pray for the virus and chaos our country and the world is facing. I heard and saw in my mind the word STOP. I actually yelled STOP out loud. I said, “How does that look Lord? This is what I heard Him say: “The body …

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