Has anyone ever noticed that birthdays come around once a year? If you have noticed, and are reading this, that’s actually a good thing because it means that you’re still alive. The challenging thing is you’re a year older.

My great-granddaughter just turned 3 years old. She doesn’t know what lays ahead and doesn’t know how to prepare or brace herself for what she may encounter. Each year for her is fresh and new with an innocence and wonder of new things, some pleasant and some maybe not so pleasant.

Her world is her kingdom and she rules. Well, maybe tries to rule! Her mom and dad, may not always agree with her kingdom demands. She will hear wisdom and receive correction from them as they guide her through life’s challenges, but resilience will come through her own experience.

As I approached my birthday this year (Feb. 14), God brought back an experience that I want to share. Almost 40 years ago, I was going to turn 39. I was having a hard time with it. I knew 40 was right around the corner. Somehow turning 40 didn’t seem to bother me as much as 39. Go figure!

As I’m struggling with the reality of aging, in my my mind I hear: “In your 20s you thought you knew everything; in your 30s you’ve been up and down; your 40s will bring stability; your 50s will bring maturity; and, your 60s will bring wisdom.” I said, “Hot dog, let’s go for it!”

I figured God had assured me I’d at least reach 70. But then I heard “crickets” [God wasn’t sharing more]. What happens after that Lord?

As one decade was coming to an end, my husband and I sold our home after 45 years in one place. We lived with a friend for a few months as we waited for God’s direction.

We purchased a beautiful Motor Home with travel in mind. Tom decided he wasn’t ready to retire so we lived in the area for another year and ended up buying a home in the Mother Lode area of California.

We parked it on the property and lived in it for three years while our 1939 home was being renovated. We moved in and 10 months later my husband of 53 years dies after a brief illness. My dreams of traveling and ministering together were shattered. My best friend was gone.

After Tom died, the Lord spoke to my heart that “the best is yet to come.” How does that look? I don’t know, but GOD IS ABSOLUTELY GOOD.

Working my way through this current decade has brought many emotional, spiritual and physical changes. I believe each was and is a needed part of my growth to move forward with my life as a widow. With a new decade in sight, I believe it is a time to continue preparing for God’s promise — “The best is yet to come.”

What decade of life are you currently in – teens, 20s, 30s, 40s . . .?

Do you have a vision for the next decade? Are you open to any unexpected changes or plans?

I am learning that the wisdom I have gained through life’s challenges needs to be shared with those who come after me. I still need the wisdom and council of those who have gone before me. The best part is knowing that I can learn from both.

14 Replies to “BIRTHDAYS COME and GO”

  1. I love how you share your life, Beth. God has used you in so many beautiful ways. You are a gift, and yes the best is yet to come! How very exciting. Happy Birthday my friend ❤️

  2. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart. You are a precious jewel…treasure, to me and so many!
    Happy Birthday, Beloved!!❤️❤️❤️

  3. I like it, Beth. Every stage of brings new opportunity for growth, wisdom. I like how God brings up through it all, no matter how big or how small.

  4. Beautifully written! We never know what the future holds but believing the best is yet to come sounds wonderful! Happy birthday, dear friend! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  5. Happy Birthday dear Beth! What a beautiful word my friend! Couple days ago, heard the Lord whisper: “wisdom necklace.” Surely your wisdom is as pearls passed down to His sons and daughters in the next generations. “My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck.” Your voice is needed & valued! 🤍🤍

  6. Happy Belated Birthday my precious gift from God🩷🩷. You are daily in my thought & Prayers & thank you for sharing this beautiful Journey with us… I am so blessed you have always been apart of my life since I was 15 .. In April I will be 58 years old and have sure been through a lot physically & Emotionally & Mentally!! I thank GOD & Bill Maginnis & You for helping me to prepare for my Journey ahead in Life… You inspired me to sing my first ever Solo and God knew I would need that Song & Lyrics to make it through Life from then to Today. I sing it daily and PRAY it 2 ……. Because I say “One Day at Time Sweet JESUS THATS all I am asking from you! Give ME the strength to do everything that I have to do! Yesterday gone Sweet Jesus & Tomorrow may never be mine … Lord give me the Strength …”ONE DAY AT A TIME!!! I love you so much & Pray to come see you really really soon 🩷🩷.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. I love you and would still love to see you. Appreciate your sharing and I know you have encountered many things in your life. We have shared many wonderful memories.

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